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Home Biznes, Finanse Tax Refund in Poland: Important Information

Tax Refund in Poland: Important Information

by Lena

The tax system in Poland is considered intricate, due to which residents seek understanding of the possibilities of tax overpayment adjustment.

Adjustment of overpaid taxes in Poland are can be obtained for both private persons and companies . The key reason for applying for reimbursement is paying more than necessary, arising for various reasons . corporate income tax return Under what conditions is a tax refund possible?

There are a few cases where a resident may be entitled to a refund of taxes:
Overpayment of taxes : In many cases, taxpayers pay more taxes because of mistakes in their declarations .
Tax deductions and discounts : Specific deductions can lead to the taxable base , which in turn creates the conditions for adjustment.

Change in status: If the tax status of a taxpayer changes during the year, this can alter their tax burden , resulting in the possibility of a refund of overpaid taxes .
VAT Refund
Organizations registered for VAT purposes may receive reimbursement of VAT on specific costs . To obtain a refund, it is necessary to fulfill the following conditions :
Timely filing of declarations : The VAT declaration must be submitted monthly within 25 days after the end of the month .

Using the online platform : Tax documents are submitted through the internet through the website of the Polish tax administration (KAS).

VAT Refund Procedure : An organization may file for a VAT refund in its monthly declaration . The tax authority will reimburse the difference between input and output VAT .

How quickly is VAT refunded?
The time it takes to refund VAT change depending on a number of factors :
If the refund is requested to the organization’s tax account, the money is reimbursed within 25 calendar days .
Reimbursement to a bank account occur within 60 days if there was declared revenue in that month .
If there was no revenue, the reimbursement is refunded within six months .

Corporate Tax Reimbursement
Companies registered in Poland are mandated to remit corporate income tax (CIT). The corporate tax reimbursement process involves the following steps :
Timely filing of the tax declaration : The corporate income tax declaration (CIT) must be filed by the end of March of the year following the reporting period .
Using the online platform : The CIT declaration is submitted via the KAS website .

Requesting a tax refund : The company applies for a refund of overpaid tax through the report .
If the request for a refund is meets the conditions, the tax authority will provide compensation within the established timeframes .

Support from Tax Consultants
Acknowledging the intricacies of the tax regime in Poland, many residents and firms seek assistance of tax experts .
Tax specialists can help individuals and legal entities increase their refunds and lower their tax obligations.

Our company, providing tax services , assists with any matters related to tax reporting and represents the interests of clients before the tax administration of Poland. If you have any want to consult, write to us at:

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